Open Heavens

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Open Heavens Prayer Points


(Wednesday, April 28, 2021) - 


Special Note:

These prayer points are not written by Pastor E. A. Adeboye, but by one of his numerous disciples, of Christ, who was inspired and mandated by the Holy Spirit, effective, January 1st, 2015,, to start writing these prayer points, based on the Open Heavens Daily Devotional, authored by Pastor E. A. Adeboye.

Some of the prayer points are deep spiritually and may not be understood by carnal minds.

If you want to be blessed from these prayer points, you must first, surrender Your life, to the Lord Jesus Christ, Himself, by saying this prayer:

“Lord Jesus, I come to You with a deeply repentant heart, please, forgive me all my sins. I surrender my life to you, today, and, I accept You, as my personal Lord and Saviour. Please, come into my life and save my soul from eternal destruction in hell fire. In Jesus' name, I pray.”

Prayer Points:

1.Thank You, Father, for the salvation of my soul, and for the abundance of Your grace and mercy, over my life and destiny.

2.Father, in anyway I have fallen short of your glory, please, have mercy and forgive me, in Jesus' name.

3.Father, please, uphold me till the end by Your right hand of righteousness; I will not fall, I will not fail and I will not falter, in Jesus' name.

4.Father, make me an overcomer and an undefeated champion forever, in Jesus' name.

5.Father, give me the grace to always live soberly, and be vigilant; let me never be a prey for the devil to devour, in Jesus' name.

6.Father, empower me by Your grace to always examine myself, if I am still in  right standing spiritually with You; and help me to restitute my ways, where necessary, in Jesus' name.

7.Father, whenever the temptation to sin against You, comes my way, please, quickly make a way of escape for me, as You have promised, in Jesus' name.

8.Father, frustrate every agenda of the devil, to steal, to kill and to destroy, in my life and destiny, in Jesus' name.

9.Father, destroy every spirit of disobedience and self-will, in my life; and give me the power to obey and do Your perfect Will, at all times, in Jesus' name.

10.Father, bless your son, Pastor Enoch A. Adeboye; and meet him daily at the points of his needs, in Jesus' name.

11.Father, bless Your son that You have been using to prepare these prayer points, beyond measures, and all those who have been rebroadcasting them, in Jesus' name.

12.Father, let every challenge, hindrance and obstacle of getting these prayer points across to Your children, timely, and on daily basis be removed, in Jesus' name.

13.Your Personal petitions.

( Philippians 4:6)

14.In Jesus' name I pray.

(John 14:13-14; 15:16)

15.Thank you Father for answered prayers.

(1 Thessalonians 5:18).


These prayers have no expiry date! Please, pray them, irrespective of the time they get to you. Remain blessed, in Jesus' name.

Kindly, purchase your own hard copy or online version of the Open Heavens devotional & buy for your friends too, as a potent evangelism tool. God bless you, as you sow, into Pastor E.A. Adeboye's book Ministry, in Jesus' name.


You may not add, subtract or rearrange these prayer points. The Holy Spirit is the author, though He used someone, who, out of humility has refused to take glory for it, by not putting his name. It is plagiarism to use, or pass as your own, someone's else writing or work. The original author of these prayer points is the Holy Spirit. So, share, but don't share His glory with Him in the process. Remain blessed, as you obey, in Jesus' name.

Open Heavens Daily Devotional by Pastor E.A. Adeboye








Afterward Jesus findeth him in the temple, and said unto him, Behold, thou art made whole: sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee.    

John 5:14


READ:  Joshua 7:1-5

But the children of Israel committed a trespass in the accursed thing: for Achan, the son of Carmi, the son of Zabdi, the son of Zerah, of the tribe of Judah, took of the accursed thing: and the anger of the LORD was kindled against the children of Israel.


2 And Joshua sent men from Jericho to Ai, which is beside Bethaven, on the east of Bethel, and spake unto them, saying, Go up and view the country. And the men went up and viewed Ai.


3 And they returned to Joshua, and said unto him, Let not all the people go up; but let about two or three thousand men go up and smite Ai; and make not all the people to labour thither; for they are but few.


4 So there went up thither of the people about three thousand men: and they fled before the men of Ai.


5 And the men of Ai smote of them about thirty and six men: for they chased them from before the gate even unto Shebarim, and smote them in the going down: wherefore the hearts of the people melted, and became as water.



It is painful enough to be defeated in one round of contest, but even more so if one becomes an ex-champion, surrendering a crown totally. This is because as soon as a fellow emerges as a champion, people's expectations of him or her would have increased. The attention of so many people- enemies inclusive, would be on the person. Thus, a champion has more enemies than ordinary contender. I pray that you will not be an ex-champion in the mighty name of Jesus.

The story in today's Scripture reading is a sad one.  The people of God had just recorded a victory over the great city of Jericho and were going to occupy a small village called Ai. To their surprise, they were utterly defeated. Their leader Joshua was downcast but he understood the reason for the defeat after he enquired from God. There is a lesson from this event: it is that there is always a reason for every setback a child of God suffers. Therefore, it is very important for children of God to carry out periodic self-examinations. James 1:13-15 says:

 "Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man: But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death."


God warned the Israelites not to take anything from Jericho after its destruction. Achan however defied the instruction; he stole part of the accursed materials. This singular act of disobedience turned the entire nation to ex-war champions, and they remained so until the accused things, the thief and his household were removed from the congregation of the people of God.


Beloved, you must abstain from ungodliness because it is deadly. Romans 6:23 says "the wages of sin is death·” Once you are forgiven, you have to forsake sin and then restitute your ways. Jesus Christ told the man He graciously healed in John 5:14 to go and sin no more, so that something even more terrible would not befall him. As you go out today, examine yourself and see if you are standing right with God (2Corinthians13:5). May the Lord grant you victory always.



Holy Spirit, please help me to be vigilant in maintaining my victory in Christ. Help me Lord, so I do not fall into any temptation.


BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Joshua 9-10.





1. In Christ alone my hope is found,

He is my light, my strength, my song

This Cornerstone, this solid Ground

Firm through the fiercest drought and storm.

What heights of love, what depths of peace

When fears are stilled, when strivings cease

My Comforter, my All in All

Here in the love of Christ I stand.


2. In Christ alone! - who took on flesh,

Fullness of God in helpless babe.

This gift of love and righteousness,

Scorned by the ones He came to save

Till on that cross as Jesus died,

The wrath of God was satisfied

For every sin on Him was laid

Here in the death of Christ I live.


3. There in the ground His body lay,

Light of the world by darkness slain:

Then bursting forth in glorious day

Up from the grave He rose again

And as He stands in victory

Sin's curse has lost its grip on me,

For I am His and He is mine

Bought with the precious blood of Christ.


4. No guilt in life, no fear in death,

This is the power of Christ in me

From life's first cry to final breath,

Jesus commands my destiny

No power of hell, no scheme of man,

Can ever pluck me from His hand

Till He returns or calls me home

Here in the power of Christ I'll stand.

Monday, April 26, 2021

Open Heavens Prayer Points


Tuesday, April 27, 2021


Special Note:

These prayer points are not written by Pastor E. A. Adeboye, but by one of his numerous disciples, of Christ, who was inspired and mandated by the Holy Spirit, effective, January 1st, 2015,, to start writing these prayer points, based on the Open Heavens Daily Devotional, authored by Pastor E. A. Adeboye.

Some of the prayer points are deep spiritually and may not be understood by carnal minds.

If you want to be blessed from these prayer points, you must first, surrender Your life, to the Lord Jesus Christ, Himself, by saying this prayer:

“Lord Jesus, I come to You with a deeply repentant heart, please, forgive me all my sins. I surrender my life to you, today, and, I accept You, as my personal Lord and Saviour. Please, come into my life and save my soul from eternal destruction in hell fire. In Jesus' name, I pray.”

Prayer Points:

1.I worship and adore You, my Father; You're the Lord that maketh poor and maketh rich; You bringeth low and lifteth up.

2.Father, in anyway I have fallen short of your glory, please, have mercy and forgive me, in Jesus' name.

3.I pull down every strange altar, I have consciously or unconsciously erected to compete with You, in my life, home, business and ministry, in Jesus' name.

4.Father, deliver and purge me from the spirit of idolatry; and turn every object of shame and ridicule in my life, to points of glory, in Jesus' name.

5.Father, deliver me from bondage to fear, and give me a faith so strong in You, that cannot be compromised, in Jesus' name.

6.Father, the mouth that I have used to worship You, let me never use it to worship an idol; and the knees that I have used to bow before You, let me never use it to bow before any idol, in Jesus' name.

7.Father, replace every desire and cravings for material, worldly and mundane things in my life, with things of eternal values, in Jesus' name.

8.Father, let Your love be paramount in my heart; let nothing take priority over and above You and Your love, in my life, in Jesus' name.

9.Father, paralyse and destroy every enemy of divine blessings in my life and destiny, in Jesus' name.

10.Father, bless your son, Pastor Enoch A. Adeboye; and, let Your blessings continue to pursue and overtake him, in Jesus' name.

11.Father, bless Your son that You have been using to prepare these prayer points, beyond measures, and all those who have been rebroadcasting them, in Jesus' name.

12.Father, let every challenge, hindrance and obstacle of getting these prayer points across to Your children, timely, and on daily basis be removed, in Jesus' name.

13.Your Personal petitions.

( Philippians 4:6)

14.In Jesus' name I pray.

(John 14:13-14; 15:16)

15.Thank you Father for answered prayers.

(1 Thessalonians 5:18).


Please, share the Word of God.

These prayers have no expiry date! Please, pray them, irrespective of the time they get to you. Remain blessed, in Jesus' name.

Kindly, purchase your own hard copy or online version of the Open Heavens devotional & buy for your friends too, as a potent evangelism tool. God bless you, as you sow, into Pastor E.A. Adeboye's book Ministry, in Jesus' name.


You may not add, subtract or rearrange these prayer points. The Holy Spirit is the author, though He used someone, who, out of humility has refused to take glory for it, by not putting his name. It is plagiarism to use, or pass as your own, someone's else writing or work. The original author of these prayer points is the Holy Spirit. So, share, but don't share His glory with Him in the process. Remain blessed, as you obey, in Jesus' name.

Open Heavens Daily Devotional by Pastor E.A. Adeboye








The Lord maketh poor, and maketh rich: he bringeth low, and lifteth up.

1 Samuel 2:7


 READ:  Hosea 4:17, 5:9

 17Ephraim is joined to idols: let him alone.


 Hosea 5:9

9 Ephraim shall be desolate in the day of rebuke: among the tribes of Israel have I made known that which shall surely be.



Ephraim was once God's preference and a symbol of divine blessing. Genesis 48:20 says Jacob blessed Ephraim thus:

 "....In thee shall Israel bless, saying, God make thee as Ephraim and as Manasseh: and he set Ephraim before Manasseh.”


David also went on to describe Ephraim as "the strength of mine head" (Psalm 108:8). Indeed, Ephraim was a beneficiary of divine blessings.  How then did he now become an object of ridicule later on? The answer is in Hosea 4:17: Ephraim joined himself to idols.


Idolatry is the act of preferring any other thing to the Almighty God- anything, whether it is your culture, race, idea or achievement. Idolatry could also be an insatiable craving for material things of this world (1 John 2:15-17). When you begin to have an excessive desire for children, cars, degrees or anything else to the point that they become ' untouchables' to the One who gave you power to acquire them in the first place, then you are guilty of idolatry. This was the exact undoing of King Nebuchadnezzar as we see in Daniel3:3.


Years ago, a certain young man in my village would carry his bicycle on his head when he got to a muddy

road, just to avoid the wheels becoming messy from the mud! He made an idol of the bicycle.


Idolatry is one of the arch-enemies of divine blessings. In Exodus 20:3, God warned the children of Israel against idolatry saying, "Thou shall have no other gods before me". However, when they became comfortable in the promised land, they joined themselves with the heathens to worship other gods. For this reason, they suffered servitude under neighboring kingdoms (Ezekiel 23:5-12). A nation that hitherto had been enjoying divine blessings became slaves all over again because of idolatry. This was what Ephraim did and his divine blessings became a curse as we see in Hosea 5:9.


The word of the Lord has come to you today: beware of idolatry! Put God first in all you think, say or do and you will not be a victim. Your blessings shall not be reversed in Jesus' name.



Father, please help me pull down every strange altar I have consciously or unconsciously erected to compete with You in my life, Home, business or ministry, in the mighty name of Jesus.


BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Joshua 7-8.






1. Take my life and let it be

Consecrated, Lord, to Thee.

Take my moments and my days,

Let them flow in endless praise.


2. Take my hands and let them move

At the impulse of Thy love.

Take my feet and let them be

Swift and beautiful for Thee.


3. Take my voice and let me sing,

Always, only for my King.

Take my lips and let them be

Filled with messages from Thee.


4. Take my silver and my gold,

Not a mite would I withhold.

Take my intellect and use

Every pow’r as Thou shalt choose.


5. Take my will and make it Thine,

It shall be no longer mine.

Take my heart, it is Thine own,

It shall be Thy royal throne.


6. Take my love, my Lord, I pour

At Thy feet its treasure store.

Take myself and I will be

Ever, only, all for Thee.

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Open Heavens Prayer Points


(Monday, April 26, 2021) - 


Special Note:

These prayer points are not written by Pastor E. A. Adeboye, but by one of his numerous disciples, of Christ, who was inspired and mandated by the Holy Spirit, effective, January 1st, 2015,, to start writing these prayer points, based on the Open Heavens Daily Devotional, authored by Pastor E. A. Adeboye.

Some of the prayer points are deep spiritually and may not be understood by carnal minds.

If you want to be blessed from these prayer points, you must first, surrender Your life, to the Lord Jesus Christ, Himself, by saying this prayer:

“Lord Jesus, I come to You with a deeply repentant heart, please, forgive me all my sins. I surrender my life to you, today, and, I accept You, as my personal Lord and Saviour. Please, come into my life and save my soul from eternal destruction in hell fire. In Jesus' name, I pray.”

Prayer Points:

1.Father, I worship and adore You, because good and perfect gifts come from You, the Father of light; and for being the only God that gives, without adding sorrow.

2.Thank You, Father, for Your faithfulness and for Your unfailing promises over my life and destiny.

3.Father, in anyway I have fallen short of your glory, please, have mercy and forgive me, in Jesus' name.

4.Father, in any area the accuser of brethren, the devil, may be accusing me before You, please, let Your mercy  override every judgement of sin in my life, in Jesus' name.

5.Father, break every satanic yoke upon my life, and replace it with Your own yoke which is easy and light, in Jesus' name.

6.Father, uproot from my life, anything that does not reflect You, and, empower me to love You, with all my heart, soul and mind, in Jesus' name.

7.Father, please, give me the grace to keep all Your covenants, and to do Your perfect Will, in all things and at all times, in Jesus' name.


8.Father, please don’t reverse any of the promises You made concerning me, and don’t let Your Holy Spirit depart from me, in the mighty name of Jesus.

9.Father, empower me by Your grace to make holiness my lifestyle, to worship You alone, and to give sacrificially, to Your cause, in Jesus' name.

10.Father, bless your son, Pastor Enoch A. Adeboye, and, let all Your blessings in his life and ministry be irreversible, in Jesus' name.

11.Father, bless Your son that You have been using to prepare these prayer points, beyond measures, and all those who have been rebroadcasting them, in Jesus' name.

12.Father, let every challenge, hindrance and obstacle of getting these prayer points across to Your children, timely, and on daily basis be removed, in Jesus' name.

13.Your Personal petitions.

( Philippians 4:6)

14.In Jesus' name I pray.

(John 14:13-14; 15:16)

15.Thank you Father for answered prayers.

(1 Thessalonians 5:18).


These prayers have no expiry date! Please, pray them, irrespective of the time they get to you. Remain blessed, in Jesus' name.

Kindly, purchase your own hard copy or online version of the Open Heavens devotional & buy for your friends too, as a potent evangelism tool. God bless you, as you sow, into Pastor E.A. Adeboye's book Ministry, in Jesus' name.


You may not add, subtract or rearrange these prayer points. The Holy Spirit is the author, though He used someone, who, out of humility has refused to take glory for it, by not putting his name. It is plagiarism to use, or pass as your own, someone's else writing or work. The original author of these prayer points is the Holy Spirit. So, share, but don't share His glory with Him in the process. Remain blessed, as you obey, in Jesus' name.

Open Heavens Daily Devotional by Pastor E.A. Adeboye








That in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the sea shore; and thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies; Genesis 22:17


READ:  Genesis 22:15-18

 15 And the angel of the LORD called unto Abraham out of heaven the second time,


16 And said, By myself have I sworn, saith the LORD, for because thou hast done this thing, and hast not withheld thy son, thine only son:


17 That in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the sea shore; and thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies;


18 And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; because thou hast obeyed my voice.




Only the blessings that come from God are irreversible. This is because divine blessings are usually attached to conditions like we see today's Bible reading. When you meet these conditions, the Lord will then show Himself mighty in your life and nobody will be able to reverse your blessings except God Himself. God can reverse your blessing if you default in the terms of the covenant. For example, God reversed His promise to Eli because he and his sons failed to live within the terms of the covenant that made them priests (1 Samuel 2:30).


If God decides to bless you and you become unfaithful, He can change a blessing toa curse. He is a Jealous God. He says in Exodus20:5-6:

“...I the  Lord  thy God  am  a  jealous  God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the  third and fourth generation of them that hate me; And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.”


God's faithfulness to the promise He made to Abraham is seen in Genesis 26 and 35 respectively.  He reconfirmed that His covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is an everlasting one. God is not unstable, hence whatsoever He says, He will do. However, before you can enjoy these irreversible blessings, there are certain conditions you must fulfil. First, you must have an unusual love towards your Maker. Then, you must also be committed to holiness, worship and sacrificial giving. All these attributes are found in Jesus Christ and would rub off on anyone who accepts Him as their personal Lord and Savior. Colossians 1:19-21 says:

“For it pleased the Father that in him should all fulness dwell; And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven. And you, that were sometime alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now hath he reconciled.”


Accept Jesus today, if you haven't. If you have, continue to live by His celling, as we see in Matthew 11:28-30 that it may be well with you.




Father, please don't reverse any of the promises You made concerning me, and don't let Your Holy Spirit depart from me, in the mighty name of Jesus.


BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Joshua 4-6.





1. Standing on the promises of Christ my King,

Through eternal ages let His praises ring,

Glory in the highest, I will shout and sing,

Standing on the promises of God.



Standing, standing,

Standing on the promises of God my Savior;

Standing, standing,

I’m standing on the promises of God.


2. Standing on the promises that cannot fail,

When the howling storms of doubt and fear assail,

By the living Word of God I shall prevail,

Standing on the promises of God.


3. Standing on the promises I now can see

Perfect, present cleansing in the blood for me;

Standing in the liberty where Christ makes free,

Standing on the promises of God.


4. Standing on the promises of Christ the Lord,

Bound to Him eternally by love’s strong cord,

Overcoming daily with the Spirit’s sword,

Standing on the promises of God.


5. Standing on the promises I cannot fall,

List’ning every moment to the Spirit’s call,

Resting in my Savior as my all in all,

Standing on the promises of God.

Saturday, April 24, 2021

Open Heavens Prayer Points


(Sunday, April 25, 2021) - 


Special Note:

These prayer points are not written by Pastor E. A. Adeboye, but by one of his numerous disciples, of Christ, who was inspired and mandated by the Holy Spirit, effective, January 1st, 2015,, to start writing these prayer points, based on the Open Heavens Daily Devotional, authored by Pastor E. A. Adeboye.

Some of the prayer points are deep spiritually and may not be understood by carnal minds.

If you want to be blessed from these prayer points, you must first, surrender Your life, to the Lord Jesus Christ, Himself, by saying this prayer:

“Lord Jesus, I come to You with a deeply repentant heart, please, forgive me all my sins. I surrender my life to you, today, and, I accept You, as my personal Lord and Saviour. Please, come into my life and save my soul from eternal destruction in hell fire. In Jesus' name, I pray.”

Prayer Points:

1.Thank You, Father, for sending Your son, Jesus, to Calvary, to reconcile us to You, through His precious blood that was shed on the cross.

2.Thank You, Father, for bringing me out of the darkness of the world, into Your marvelous light in Christ Jesus.

3.Thank You, Father, for committing into our hands, the ministry of reconciling men unto You and making me one of Your ambassadors, on earth.

4.Father, in anyway I have fallen short of your glory, please, have mercy and forgive me, in Jesus' name.

5.Father, please, give me a forgiving spirit; give me the grace to forgive all those who have wronged, and despitefully used me, as You have forgiven me, in Jesus' name.

6.Father, give me the grace never to harbour grudges or malice, with anyone, as You have promised to make all things work together for my good, in Jesus' name.

7.Father, deliver me from the lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh and the pride of life, in Jesus' name.

8.Father, empower me by Your grace not to live unto myself again, but unto Him who died for me, and rose again, in Jesus' name.

9.Father, paralyse every enemy of the gospel in my life, and make me a compulsive and an unrepentant preacher of Your word, in Jesus' name.

10.Father, bless your son, Pastor Enoch A. Adeboye, and, use him for greater works, in Your kingdom, in Jesus' name.

11.Father, bless Your son that You have been using to prepare these prayer points, beyond measures, and all those who have been rebroadcasting them, in Jesus' name.

12.Father, let every challenge, hindrance and obstacle of getting these prayer points across to Your children, timely, and on daily basis be removed, in Jesus' name.

13.Your Personal petitions.

( Philippians 4:6)

14.In Jesus' name I pray.

(John 14:13-14; 15:16)

15.Thank you Father for answered prayers.

(1 Thessalonians 5:18).


These prayers have no expiry date! Please, pray them, irrespective of the time they get to you. Remain blessed, in Jesus' name.

Kindly, purchase your own hard copy or online version of the Open Heavens devotional & buy for your friends too, as a potent evangelism tool. God bless you, as you sow, into Pastor E.A. Adeboye's book Ministry, in Jesus' name.


You may not add, subtract or rearrange these prayer points. The Holy Spirit is the author, though He used someone, who, out of humility has refused to take glory for it, by not putting his name. It is plagiarism to use, or pass as your own, someone's else writing or work. The original author of these prayer points is the Holy Spirit. So, share, but don't share His glory with Him in the process. Remain blessed, as you obey, in Jesus' name.